Teachers for Reading Canada is a Canadian non-profit charity with the mission to ensure that all teachers in Canada have the skills to teach reading to all children in our public schools.
Approximately 15-20% of the Canadian population are dyslexic and dyslexia is the most common Learning Disability in Canadian schools.
Canadians with a learning disability were 46% more likely to have attempted suicide.
74% of children who enter Grade 1 who are at risk for reading failure and do not receive intervention will continue to have reading problems into adulthood.
Close to 40% of people with learning disabilities experience anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem.
In a study of homeless youth in Toronto, 52% had a reading disability.
65% of people in Canadian correctional facilities have less than a Grade eight level of literacy. Additionally, offenders across Canada are three times more likely than the overall population to experience literacy challenges.