TFRC believes that by removing financial barriers to teacher training, that the barriers to literacy for children are also removed.

For Funders

There are children who are struggling to learn to read in every Canadian classroom right now. They might identify as a person with dyslexia or other LD or they may have experienced learning loss due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

A 2020 Canadian Children’s Literacy Foundation/Deloitte report found that 25% of students in Grade 3 are not reading at grade level and that the number of 15-year-old students who experience the lowest levels of literacy has increased over the past decade. The report concludes that investments in early literacy will lead to a more inclusive, equitable and economically competitive Canada. And we agree!

“Once children enter school, teachers play a very important role in children’s language and literacy development. Teachers therefore require a deep understanding of how age-appropriate literacy skills are acquired, and how these can be taught…It is therefore imperative that both pre-service and in-service teacher training programs provide teachers with evidence-based knowledge on how to measure and to teach fundamental literacy skills to all children.”

National Strategy for Early Literacy - Summary Report 2009, The Canadian Language & Literacy Research Network

This is why TFRC is asking you to support our mission to ensure that every teacher in Canada has the knowledge and skills they need to teach all children in their classrooms to read. TFRC provides teachers with the training they need because Canadian children just can’t wait!

Donate today to help us ensure that all teachers in Canada have the skills to teach reading to all  children, in our public schools. 

How to Donate


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    Please send an email money transfer to:

    Please include the name of the donor in your message.


    Please make cheques payable to:
    Teachers for Reading Canada

    Please mail or deliver to:
    314 Willow Ave
    Toronto, ON
    M4E 3K7

Teachers for Reading Canada is a Canadian non profit charity.
Charitable Number: 778245506RR0001